[Webinar] Private Financings in Cannabis

Aug 11, 2020

Raising capital to fund a cannabis or hemp venture was challenging before the pandemic struck. But, even with many investors feeling gun-shy or retreating altogether from investing in cannabis because of the pandemic, there is still hope for well-informed entrepreneurs and established businesses seeking private funding.

Hosted by members of the firm’s experienced and highly networked corporate team, this virtual discussion will help you understand: 

  • How to maximize your chances of success when raising capital in the current environment
  • Best practices for structuring and positioning a new entity for investments
  • How financings are typically structured in the cannabis industry
  • When regulatory approval is needed for a cannabis financing
  • What to disclose and ask investors at the onset to avoid cannabis regulatory issues down the line
  • How cannabis investors differ from traditional investors

This session was the first in a series of complimentary webinars from the VS corporate team designed to help you identify and explore options that will help your business through these unprecedented times. Register today for the second session, Cannabis Mergers & Acquisitions!





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