[Webinar] Colorado Psychedelics Update: A Deep Dive into the Natural Medicine Health Act

May 23, 2024

Psychedelic reform continues to march along in Colorado with the implementation of the Natural Medicine Health Act. Over the last year, the Natural Medicine Advisory Board has been busy making recommendations to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and the Department of Revenue (DOR) for rulemaking—and now we are getting closer to final rules. 

Watch this live session hosted by Vicente’s Psychedelics & Emerging Therapies team. We will dive into the rules and discuss what you need to know to be prepared to participate in Colorado's Natural Medicine program launching on January 1, 2025, including:

  • A legislative review of SB24-158 and SB24-198
  • DORA draft rules governing training programs, facilitator licensing, record keeping, and scope of practice
  • DOR draft rules governing healing centers, cultivators, and testing licenses (to the extent available)
  • Denver and local governments update
  • What you can do now to be prepared for licensure
  • Timeline and next steps


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