Shawn Hauser Dives into Federal Cannabis Reform with Opus Consulting

Dec 21, 2023

Shawn Hauser, Vicente LLP partner and co-chair of the firm’s Hemp and Cannabinoids department, recently joined the “One Minute With…” podcast hosted by Jacques Santucci of Opus Consulting.  

Shawn discusses Vicente LLP’s history with cannabis legalization in Colorado, the recent recommendation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reschedule marijuana to a Schedule III drug and what this means for the future of federal drug policy reform.  

“I think the next few months are really going to be pivotal [for the cannabis and psychedelic industries] and drug policy reform generally,” Shawn tells Jacques. “The HHS and FDA recently recommended that marijuana be moved to Schedule III from Schedule I, where it was considered to have no medical use and a high potential for abuse. Which we all know is very inaccurate given the clear medical use.” 

About Shawn Hauser 

Shawn Hauser is a partner at Vicente LLP, where she co-chairs the firm's Hemp and Cannabinoids Department and serves as a leading member of the firm's Psychedelics and Emerging Therapies practice. She helps cannabis, hemp, and psychedelics businesses navigate the intersections between state and federal law, including cannabis and psychedelics laws and food and drug laws as they evolve. Her practice focuses on regulatory compliance, licensing, general business representation, investment advice, policy reform and strategic guidance to best position businesses for success at the at state, national, and international levels. 

With more than a decade of experience in cannabis law and policy, Shawn is a go-to source for businesses, industry groups, governments, and reporters seeking opinions, analysis, and guidance.  

Learn more about Shawn Hauser here. 

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