[Webinar] Post-election Opportunities in the Cannabis Industry
Nov 19, 2020
What do Election 2020 results mean for businesses seeking or selling cannabis licenses?
Watch this recorded session for an informed look at the opportunities and other realities of operating in the cannabis industry post-election. The session features members of the VS team discussing how the decisions Americans made at the polls may impact the cannabis industry, including:
- How election results will impact businesses seeking licensing or selling licenses
- Federal legalization in the potential aftermath of a change in the White House and shifting power in the U.S. Senate
- New business opportunities in medical and adult-use cannabis resulting from state-level elections in Arizona, New Jersey, Mississippi, Montana and South Dakota
- General corporate outlook for cannabis licensees and other cannabis-related businesses in 2021
- Charlie Alovisetti, Partner
- Jennifer Cabrera, Counsel
- Steve Fox, President, VS Strategies
- Sally Kent Peebles, Partner
- Jerrico Perez, Senior Associate