[Webinar] New York CAURD Cannabis Business Licensing Boot Camp

Aug 25, 2022

The New York cannabis rush is here! With the release of retail dispensary applications on the horizon, VS is here to help. Register to join us for two upcoming webinars, where members of our New York team will dive into what you need to know to prepare for the upcoming licensing round.

Session 1: New York Cannabis Update & CAURD Overview

Topics of discussion included:

  • State cannabis update and where the New York market stands today
  • Conditional Adult Use Retail Dispensary (CAURD) license eligibility overview
  • CAURD application overview, including what documents are required and other considerations such as property 


Session 2: Licensing & Compliance Tips for New York CAURD 

Topics of discussion included:

  • Review of materials and required documentation needed for the CAURD application
  • Tips for navigating New York’s business express portal
  • Compliance advice for how to stay ahead of regulatory requirements 


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