Help Us Make the SXSW Stage! Vote for ‘Man vs. Nature: The Commercialization of Psilocybin Medicine’ Panel

Aug 10, 2023

SXSW PanelPicker is open for voting and we need your help to make it to SXSW 2024! Vicente partner, Shawn Hauser, along with Dr. Sue Sisley (Scottsdale Research Institute) and Greg Fonzo (Center of Psychedelic Research and Therapy at University of Texas at Austin), proposed a highly engaging panel for the event taking place in Austin, Texas in 2024. Vote here!

Man vs. Nature: The Commercialization of Psilocybin Medicine

Psilocybin has emerged as a promising therapy for a number of mental health conditions. Though it is produced naturally by various mushroom species, nearly all clinical studies use synthetic psilocybin. Do the alkaloids only present in fungal bodies augment psychoactive and therapeutic value? This panel will detail the current state of research in psilocybin, the differences between natural and synthetic psilocybin, discuss the potential harms of limiting research to synthetic mushrooms, and explain why researchers have been fighting to study natural drug products.

  1. Analyze the differences between natural psilocybe mushrooms and synthetic psilocybin, including the other bioactive compounds found in mushrooms
  2. Explain how the effects of these compounds on augmenting psilocybin psychoactivity or clinical benefits remain unknown and unstudied
  3. Understanding the role of these ancillary compounds, as well as how they may augment psilocybin’s effects, may lead to optimized psilocybin therapies

Proposed Panelists

Voting is open through August 20, so don’t delay—create an account and vote!

Click here to vote for another great panel idea, "The Bar's New Top Shelf: Elevation Over Inebriation."

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