Responding to COVID-19: Vicente Sederberg LLP Is Here to Help

Mar 16, 2020

VS is open for business and communicating with regulators to help answer your questions.

Helping the cannabis industry navigate complex regulatory issues and overcome unique challenges is at the core of what we do. That means being there, both in good times and bad, to provide the reliable guidance, first-rate work product, and exceptional service your business needs, and to advance the cannabis industry in a dynamic and responsible manner.

As COVID-19 affects a growing number of people and businesses, caring for our team members, our clients, and the broader community continues to be Vicente Sederberg’s top priority. 

Caring for Our Team

Like many businesses, we have taken the precaution of closing all of our office locations and making accommodations for all employees to work full-time from home. We began preparing for this possibility weeks ago to mitigate disruptions in our client service, and will otherwise continue working as usual.

Caring for Our Clients

We’re here for you! Vicente Sederberg’s nationwide team is connected and available to answer your questions. We’re also talking with regulators around the country to understand how state and local responses to COVID-19, such as shutdowns or restrictions, may affect cannabis business operators, consumers and patients. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance, whether it is related to the COVID-19 situation or otherwise.

Caring for Our Community

We want to help all cannabis businesses and consumers get through this challenging time, but our top priority is ensuring safe access to medical cannabis for patients who truly need it. To this end, we are working with medical cannabis providers and government officials to develop and implement strategies for meeting these needs while maintaining compliance with local and state regulations.

We also encourage everyone to do your part to keep yourself and your community safe. You can do so by adhering to these recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and check out these helpful tips for staying connected while working from home.

Cannabis consumers, advocates, and businesses have faced countless challenges over the past several decades. We have overcome many of them by getting organized, staying informed, and taking sensible action to promote the common good. We believe that will be the case in this situation, and we can get through it together.

Stay well,

The Vicente Sederberg Team

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