[Webinar] California Cannabis Regulatory Update

Nov 9, 2022

In the past two years, California’s cannabis industry has seen significant changes to the agencies governing cannabis and reforms to cannabis laws. Since its formation last year, the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) has been working to consolidate the state’s cannabis regulations and enhance consumer protections through rule changes, first with the adoption of emergency regulations in Fall 2021 and now “permanent” regulations approved and effective as of November 10, 2022.

Watch as we dive into these latest rule changes and touch on key provisions of the July 2022 Budget Trailer Bill. Members of our California team will discuss how to prepare for—and comply with—the changes, which include tax-related issues, security measures, inventory storage, track/trace requirements, labeling and marketing compliance, and changes to delivery rules.

Topics of discussion:

  • Key changes to cannabis business taxes, including collection and remittance obligations from passage of Trailer bill (AB-195), personal liability for unpaid taxes, interest, and penalties

  • Impacts on your operations, including changes to security measures, inventory storage, track/trace requirements, returns, and product transfers

  • Review of supply chain contracts, including key definitional changes, challenges for unlicensed brands, and tax obligations

  • How to comply with the new requirements for labeling, marketing, and advertising

  • Changes to delivery rules, including the increase in value of goods that can be carried by drivers

  • Compliance, including what you need to do to prepare for increased regulatory inspections

You'll hear from:

Webinar Disclaimer: Many of the 2022 regulatory changes discussed in this webinar were awaiting final adoption by the DCC when we went live. While we do not anticipate material changes to the final draft regulations, there may be changes that conflict with the information provided. In addition, this webinar covers only a select portion of the upcoming regulatory changes. The link to all of the proposed modifications to the regulations is available on the DCC cannabis.ca.gov ‘Rulemaking’ page: https://cannabis.ca.gov/cannabis-laws/rulemaking/

This webinar is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be and is not considered to be legal advice. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this webinar, please reach out to our California team.

The content and links provided on this page are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal or tax advice. Viewing this page does not establish an attorney-client relationship. You should consult with a qualified legal professional for advice regarding any particular issue or problem. The contents of this page may be considered attorney advertising under certain rules of professional conduct.