Colorado Psychedelics Update: Regulators Finalize Natural Medicine Program Rules
By Joshua Kappel, Barine Majewska
Aug 23, 2024
Colorado’s Natural Medicine Program is taking shape. For those looking to participate in the Colorado Natural Medicine program, now is the time to prepare for license applications to open on January 1, 2025. Read on for the latest updates.
Colorado Psychedelics Program Regulations
Colorado regulators, specifically, the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and the Department of Revenue (DOR), have finally adopted four sets of rules that will form the foundation for the state’s regulated Natural Medicine program. The Department of Regulatory Agencies’ Office of Natural Medicine Licensure has adopted three sets of rules governing facilitator licensing, qualification and training, standards of practice and facilitator discipline.
Final rules related to the operation of Natural Medicine Businesses, which include Healing Centers, cultivation, manufacturing, and testing, were adopted by the Department of Revenue’s Natural Medicine Division early this month. Some of the rules still need final sign-off from the Colorado Attorney General’s office; however, we do not anticipate any significant changes. We published a summary of the rules with our partners at Psychedelic Alpha. Read the summary.
Local Government Zoning Restrictions for Colorado Natural Medicine Businesses
Many local governments are looking at time, place and manner restrictions, including Boulder, Alamosa, Arapahoe County and various communities in Summit County. Most jurisdictions are taking a hands-off approach, utilizing their existing zoning code without adding additional restrictions for natural medicine aside from the state setback. Unfortunately, some hostile jurisdictions are creating unnecessary local government regulations, such as Parker.
If you are interested in establishing reasonable regulations for your Healing Center in a specific Colorado community, please contact our friends at the Healing Advocacy Fund.
Proposed License Application Fees for Facilitators and Natural Medicine Businesses
License and application fees for facilitators and Natural Medicine Businesses have not been finalized. The Natural Medicine Division released proposed fees for Natural Medicine Businesses on August 15, 2024. Before the fee schedule can become official, the Division will conduct a stakeholder meeting on August 28 and a final hearing on September 6. If you believe the fees are too high, please let the Division know.
Vicente’s Psychedelic and Emerging Therapies Team is Here to Help
Our team has been diligently tracking the regulations while advocating for a safe, inclusive and affordable program. From real estate and finance to licensing and regulatory compliance, our team is here to help you plan the most effective and efficient way to participate in this groundbreaking new field. Contact Vicente psychedelics attorneys Joshua Kappel or Barine Majewska to schedule a consultation.