
Marijuana Rescheduling: Why Opponents Have No Idea What They Are Talking About

By Jason Adelstone
Apr 29, 2024

After listening to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Hearing with the Commissioner of the FDA on April 11, one conclusion was reinforced—opponents of marijuana reform are misinformed and rely on misstating facts to support their position. Those against moving marijuana into schedule III are making their voices heard, but almost universally, those voices simply do not understand what schedule III would mean.

Colorado Natural Medicine Program Draft Rules Released And Public Hearing Scheduled

By Barine Majewska
Apr 24, 2024

DORA recently presented additional draft rules for Colorado’s regulated natural medicine market to the Natural Medicine Advisory Board, focused on facilitator conduct and relationships, administrative sessions, informed consent, record keeping and advertising. DORA will host a virtual public hearing on the new rules on April 26 and the Natural Medicine Division of the Department of Revenue will host a stakeholder meeting on Healing Center requirements on May 1. These are important opportunities to make your voices heard! Read this article for details on the rules and instructions for joining the meetings.

Kentucky Medical Cannabis Licensing Update: New Bill and Regulations

By Yolanda Clarke, Colleen Mitchell
Apr 19, 2024

In an exciting week for the nascent Kentucky medical cannabis program, interested stakeholders were provided abundant new information to inform their business goals. Read this article for details on the new bill and regulations, and key licensing details—including medical cannabis business license caps.

Colorado Natural Medicine Advisory Bulletin #10.1: Legislative Update

By Vicente LLP, Psychedelic Alpha
Apr 9, 2024

Colorado Natural Medicine Advisory Bulletins provide updates on the implementation of Colorado's legal psychedelics program, the Natural Medicine Health Act. Bulletin #10.1 features Vicente LLP's review of SB 24-198, the first legislative update since the passing of SB23-290 in 2023, which implemented the NMHA.

Texas Consumable Hemp Program Rules Are Under Review

By Daniel Molina, Shawn Hauser
Apr 9, 2024

Every four years, Texas agencies must review adopted rules and that time has come for the Lone Star State's Consumable Hemp Program. As businesses and consumers navigate the Texas hemp market, it's important to understand the rules, rulemaking process, and impending deadlines. If you participate in Texas' booming hemp market, now is the time to make your voices heard as the comment period for this rule review is open through April 22, 2024.