
Cannabis Rescheduling: The DEA's Proposed Rule and the Supporting OLC Opinion

By Jason Adelstone
May 21, 2024

The DEA published its proposed rule to move marijuana from schedule I to schedule III on May 21, and the 60-day public comment period has officially opened. The DEA also published an opinion from the Office of Legal counsel that provides a thorough analysis supporting why placing marijuana in schedule III is appropriate and legally justified. Read this insight for a high-level overview of the proposed rule and the OLC Opinion.

Marijuana Rescheduling Part II: Why Opponents Continue to Have No Idea What They Are Talking About

By Jason Adelstone
May 20, 2024

In a recent House Committee meeting with DEA Administrator Anne Milgram, Rep. Andrew S. Clyde voiced his opposition to removing marijuana from Schedule I based on public safety reasons, but then contradicted himself by stating marijuana is “not as dangerous as some of the others we have talked about” (the meeting focused primarily on fentanyl’s harms to communities). This blog post addresses the false narratives and misconceptions that opponents of cannabis reform continue to promote.

Key Takeaways for the Hemp Industry from the House's Draft Text for 2023 Farm Bill and DEA's Proposed Rules to Reschedule Marijuana

By Michelle Bodian
May 17, 2024

This was a big week for hemp (as well as marijuana)! The proposed rules to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) were released and will be officially published in the federal register on May 21, 2024. Some of the language is relevant to hemp and hemp products. Additionally, the U.S. House of Representatives released draft text for the 2023 Farm Bill. Read this insight for key takeaways.

New York LLC Transparency Act Update

By Charlie Alovisetti, Daniel Molina
May 15, 2024

The New York LLC Transparency Act, which requires certain businesses to disclose ownership information to the state, was recently updated. Read this insight to learn what businesses in all industries need to know about the new law, including deadlines and penalties for noncompliance.